20 research outputs found

    The path to precision: comparison analysis of automated neural morphology reconstruction software

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    The differences in the shape, form and location of neurons are closely linked to their function. Being able to accurately and efficiently reconstruct neurons digitally in a three-dimensional space is necessary for the acquisition of knowledge in this research field. Automation through software helps optimise efficiency, yet manual reconstructions are often preferred. This thesis therefore aims to help standardise the research field more and facilitate communication and collaborative efforts by evaluating three software, Vaa3D, Neutube and NCTracer, in regards to the reconstruction algorithms' accuracy, efficiency, consistency and user experience with the user interface in order to deduce their advantages and shortcomings. A downloadable and executable Java program, which compares similarities between two reconstructions, and scripts were written to measure these parameters. Vaa3D had higher accuracy and a significantly lower execution time, but Neutube and NCTracer showcased more stability and consistent results. Additionally, NCTracer proved to be more intuitive to use. All software exhibited their own drawbacks, but the information presented can aid in improving the software or the development of new software surpassing prior ones

    Vägen till precision : Jämförelseanalys av automatiserad mjukvara för rekonstruktion av neural morfologi

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    The differences in the shape, form and location of neurons are closely linked to their function. Being able to accurately and efficiently reconstruct neurons digitally in a three-dimensional space is necessary for the acquisition of knowledge in this research field. Automation through software helps optimise efficiency, yet manual reconstructions are often preferred. This thesis therefore aims to help standardise the research field more and facilitate communication and collaborative efforts by evaluating three software, Vaa3D, Neutube and NCTracer, in regards to the reconstruction algorithms’ accuracy, efficiency, consistency and user experience with the user interface in order to deduce their advantages and shortcomings. A downloadable and executable Java program, which compares similarities between two reconstructions, and scripts were written to measure these parameters. Vaa3D had higher accuracy and a significantly lower execution time, but Neutube and NCTracer showcased more stability and consistent results. Additionally, NCTracer proved to be more intuitive to use. All software exhibited their own drawbacks, but the information presented can aid in improving the software or the development of new software surpassing prior ones.Skillnader i en neurons form och position är nära kopplat till dess funktion. Förmågan att noggrant och effektivt rekonstruera neuroner digitalt i ett tredimensionellt utrymme är nödvändigt för att erhålla kunskap inom detta forskningsområde. Automatisering via programvara bidrar till effektivisering av detta, men manuella rekonstruktioner är ofta föredragna. Därmed ämnar denna studie att hjälpa standardisera forskningsområdet, underlätta kommunikation och samarbetsinsatser genom att evaluera tre programvaror, Vaa3D, Neutube och NCTracer, i avseende på rekonstruktions-algoritmernas noggrannhet, effektivitet, konsistens och användarupplevelsen av användargränssnittet med avsikt att härleda deras för- och nackdelar. Ett nedladdningsbart och exekverbart Javaprogram som jämför likheter mellan två rekonstruktioner, och skript skrevs för att mäta dessa parametrar. Vaa3D gav en högre noggrannhet och en betydligt lägre exekveringstid, men Neutube och NCTracer hade stabilare och mer konsekventa resultat. Vidare visade NCTracer sig vara mer intuitiv att använda. Alla programvaror uppvisade sina egna brister, men informationen som presenteras kan stödja förbättringen av dessa programvaror eller utvecklingen av nya programvaror som överträffar de äldre

    Vägen till precision : Jämförelseanalys av automatiserad mjukvara för rekonstruktion av neural morfologi

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    The differences in the shape, form and location of neurons are closely linked to their function. Being able to accurately and efficiently reconstruct neurons digitally in a three-dimensional space is necessary for the acquisition of knowledge in this research field. Automation through software helps optimise efficiency, yet manual reconstructions are often preferred. This thesis therefore aims to help standardise the research field more and facilitate communication and collaborative efforts by evaluating three software, Vaa3D, Neutube and NCTracer, in regards to the reconstruction algorithms’ accuracy, efficiency, consistency and user experience with the user interface in order to deduce their advantages and shortcomings. A downloadable and executable Java program, which compares similarities between two reconstructions, and scripts were written to measure these parameters. Vaa3D had higher accuracy and a significantly lower execution time, but Neutube and NCTracer showcased more stability and consistent results. Additionally, NCTracer proved to be more intuitive to use. All software exhibited their own drawbacks, but the information presented can aid in improving the software or the development of new software surpassing prior ones.Skillnader i en neurons form och position är nära kopplat till dess funktion. Förmågan att noggrant och effektivt rekonstruera neuroner digitalt i ett tredimensionellt utrymme är nödvändigt för att erhålla kunskap inom detta forskningsområde. Automatisering via programvara bidrar till effektivisering av detta, men manuella rekonstruktioner är ofta föredragna. Därmed ämnar denna studie att hjälpa standardisera forskningsområdet, underlätta kommunikation och samarbetsinsatser genom att evaluera tre programvaror, Vaa3D, Neutube och NCTracer, i avseende på rekonstruktions-algoritmernas noggrannhet, effektivitet, konsistens och användarupplevelsen av användargränssnittet med avsikt att härleda deras för- och nackdelar. Ett nedladdningsbart och exekverbart Javaprogram som jämför likheter mellan två rekonstruktioner, och skript skrevs för att mäta dessa parametrar. Vaa3D gav en högre noggrannhet och en betydligt lägre exekveringstid, men Neutube och NCTracer hade stabilare och mer konsekventa resultat. Vidare visade NCTracer sig vara mer intuitiv att använda. Alla programvaror uppvisade sina egna brister, men informationen som presenteras kan stödja förbättringen av dessa programvaror eller utvecklingen av nya programvaror som överträffar de äldre

    Impact of low fish meal and fish oil diets on the performance, sex steroid profile and male-female sex reversal of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) over a three-year production cycle

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    Juveniles of the protandrous hermaphrodite gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) were fed from early life stages to completion of sex maturation with plant-based diets formulated by BioMar. Total fish meal (FM) was included at 25% in the control diet (D1) and at 5% in the other three diets (D2, D3, D4). Added oil was either fish oil (FO) (D1) or a blend of vegetable oils replacing 58% (D2) and 84% (D3, D4) of FO. A commercial butyrate preparation (BP-70® NOREL) was added to the D4 diet at 0.4%. All fish grew fast through a three-year ongrowing cycle with overall specific growth rates of 1.4%, 0.7% and 0.5% for fish harvest at 300 g, 1 kg and 1.5–1.7 kg, respectively. Overall feed efficiency decreased progressively as fish size increased from 0.99 in 300 g fish to 0.8–0.7 in 1–1.7 kg fish. At the last stage, a clear sexual dimorphism was found for body weight and hepatosomatic index when all sampled fish were considered as a whole. A sexual dimorphism was also found for sex steroids with a peak of estradiol in the females sampled in October–December, whereas the peak of 11-ketotestosterone was delayed in males to December. Plasma levels of testosterone were similar in both sexes. The two first components of principal component analysis (PCA) explained >90% of total variance of plasma levels of sex steroids. The displacement along X-axis clearly separated males and females, whereas the movement along Y-axis was related to sampling time. An androgenic effect in the steroid plasma profile of fish fed plant-based diets was also shown, which was especially evident for the low FM/FO diet formulation (D3). This effect was reversed by butyrate and the female/male ratio of D4 fish (age class +3) did not differ from that of control fish, whereas the proportion of females in D2 + D3 fish was higher (P < 0.06) than in control fish (64% vs. 50%). This group also showed increased circulating levels of vitellogenin, non-detectable in males/intersex fish of any experimental group. Taken together, well balanced plant-based diets did not compromise the maximum growth of farmed gilthead sea bream over a 3-year production cycle, and data on key performance indicators with a wide range of FM/FO formulations can be considered as reference values for the species. It is noteworthy that the plant-based diets had an impact on sex reversal, but this effect was mitigated by butyrate supplementation.This work has been carried out with financial support from the European Union (ARRAINA, FP7-KBBE-2011-5-288925, Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition and Aquaculture). Additional funding was obtained from the Spanish MINECO (MI2-Fish, AGL2013-48560; Pubertrait, AGL2016-75400) and from Generalitat Valenciana (PROMETEO FASE II-2014/085 and 051).Peer reviewe

    El trabajo social en un equipo de orientación educativa y psicopedagógica : la intervención sociofamiliar, especificidad en el ámbito educativo

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    Este documento recoge el trabajo realizado por los profesores participantes en el seminario El Trabajo Social desde un Equipo de Orientación Educativa y Psicopedagógica, funciones, tareas y criterios de priorización. Se trata de que sirva como instrumento para la información y organización profesional de los trabajadores sociales en el ámbito educativo. Pretende identificar, definir y concretar las tareas específicas de los trabajadores sociales de los Equipos de Orientación; establecer los criterios para su priorización y la tarea básica del Trabajo Social; explicar la especificidad que adquiere cuando se realiza desde el ámbito educativo; y diseñar y elaborar instrumentos básicos para realizar la intervención, adaptados al medio escolar y a las personas relacionadas. Incluye como anexos modelos de protocolos elaborados..MadridES

    Documentos de apoyo para la elaboración de las programaciones didácticas : Educación infantil. Educación Primaria. Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato

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    Las programaciones docentes deben ser el reflejo documental del plan de trabajo en cada área o materia, fruto de la reflexión conjunta de los miembros del equipo docente o departamento, que desde la reforma operada por la LOMCE deben recoger los nuevos elementos del currículo, como las competencias clave y los estándares de aprendizaje.Esta publicación se concibe como un documento de apoyo para los equipos de ciclo y departamentos, así como para los equipos directivos, en esta tarea de elaboración de las programaciones docentes anuales y contiene unas orientaciones generales, elementos de que debe constar, responsables y normativa de referencia. El documento se centra, de manera diferenciada en la Educación Infantil, en la Educación Primaria y en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato.ES